What a brilliant week!
I spent all of last week in Hull taking part in the Digital Media Labs touchscreen residency along with 9 other artists it was excellent.
This opportunity was mastermided by Benedict Philips who is lead artist for a new NHS health centre in Hull. There are so many positive things to report back that I think I will have to resort to bullet points:
* most important thing I have taken away – Digital Media Labs was a real ‘LAB’ experience – carefully selected collaborators, genuine open-ended experimentation and terrific support team
* we used really simple tool on the first day – Prezi – so that we could quickly try out ideas on the screens
* a lot of the artists present, despite never having worked with code before, developed functioning examples in the Processing language by the end of the week
* there was no pressure to produce a finished piece of work and or to consider wider implications – we were simply trusted to be artists and experiment with the technology.
There’s really no way I can even begin to talk about all of the brilliant work people made here – follow this link to the blog!