It’s unbelievably two years since, as Re-Dock we helped launch Project Triangle along with Homotopia. A lot has happened in that time – we’ve kept in touch with the young people involved and seen them develop and present the education pack produced as part of the project to numerous organisations across the country.
This process we’ve seen all the young people grow in confidence and ability as well as a disire to ‘make a difference’. They ran their own youth festival as part of Homotopia in 2010 and made their own film ‘sex drags and rock and roll’ where they gave themselves the challenge of changing the world in seven days.
This week, we’ve been back in Warsaw – the Polish Youth Group invited us back to see their Youth Festival. It’s been a great experience – Poland is changing, people are feeling more positive – change is coming. The young people have changed too – more confident – more political. You can see more about the trip on the projects blog.